Sunday, February 3, 2008

SunDay- Funday!

Happy Sunday!
I took this pic off Anna's blog. This is my dad getting the Silver Beaver award (lol.) Dispite the naughty jokes we are all thinking, it actually is a really awesome award that my dad was diserving of Years ago... I was so excited for him. He tried to down play how he felt about it, but when they called his name he was actually brought to tears. Good for him!!!

Of course I did my research and made him an accurate card to match the design of the award (it's offical, I'm a complete crafty little nerd: some people call it talent :). I wish I took a picture of that puppy!
As you can see, it's been a year of plenty for me... Maybe a famine wouldn't be too bad! In the picture Left to right are: The coolest Chick ever, my madre, Padre! (scout of honor), Anna (sister in law), Amy (sister in law). my Brother Troy was there too, but he cut out early for a camp out with his scouts on the beach. He'll be the next Silver Bever just watch- Dad is a PIMP. He is surrounded by Hot Chicks all around!
Excitement doesn't even Begin to describe. It's febuaray 15th... I'll cheers to that!
I liked her before she was big, back when she was on Myspace and I'd log into listen to her while I was writing papers in College. She pretty much rocks, and I love that she writes all her own stuff... TALENT.
Random thought- I LoOooOve Big fluffy pillows! You can never have near enough. If i could I'd have my body fully pillow-ed... I feel that passionate about them.
We had a lesson on food storage and prepairedness. Luckily I have started (and I got a rocken storage kit for Christmas this year), so I didn't feel the cloud of guilt that usually accomanies that lesson in relief scoiety. BUT I have had feelings lately about how important it is to be prepaired. I always think I'm kinda crazy for wanted to "be prepaired" being a single person, but today It hit me- Why not start now that it's easy.


Unknown said...

Yeah for your dad!
I don't know who that singer is....sorry...I'll google her.
I heart big fluffy pillows too.
And congrats on the food storage prepardeness. You are farther along than me! I tried to stuff it under the bed, but now the bed is just full of old Christmas crap.

Anna B said...

Thanks for the invite onthe concert...oh wait YOU SUCK!