Wednesday, April 21, 2010

A few of my favorite things...

OK so I love Fire alarms at work. We all just go out side and hang out till they figure out a customer pulled it. But we totally get to go out side and chat. I love it. Nice sunny days are the best, and everything takes the state forever to figure out, so we end up being out side for ever!

I love my crafts! I have been transformed into one of those "old chicks" that has tons of scrap booking stuff but no one to scrap book. SO therefore I make cards. It's one of my favorite things, being crafty that is.

My sister and her babies moved to OHIO this week... One of my favorite things is being out side and by water... My parents house is on the lake. For the farewell party the kids, and the neighbor girl (she is cute!) had a Bonn fire on the lake and roasted chocolate covered Easter egg marshmallow things. SO GOOD! We also roasted other things but I think that was the most memorable. (the rest of the stuff was from the deli and I just put it on the roasting stick to make the kids think I cooked it- worked like a charm)

My other favorite things is this girl. My roommate MALORIE. She is so much like Jesus I learn so much. Plus we are fun. We love our selves and are usually up to no good. I love having a close friend at my same life stage and hang out buddy. Pillow talk is totally normal and texting each other is non stop. Shopping, tanning, tennis, swimming, Nails, boys, what ever it is this girl is DOWN, and it's fun. We miss each other when we aren't together, I just love it.

Another one of my favorites is this room/ apartment. This is my parents Missionary apartment. It's right down street literally less than a block away from temple square. Aside from the steller location... the smell. It smelt like my mission. I went in there and it was like over powering to me. I loved who I was on a mission, therefor I love to be reminded of the mission. It brought back alot of feelings and memories I hadn't thought about for a while.

Another reason why this is one of my favorites is because my parents are over joyed to be serving and doing what they are doing. I truly makes me so happy to see them so thrilled. They are having awesome experiences and I love hearing about them. My dad served before in Australia, but this is my mom's first time and it's so fun to watch.

CUTE huh? They are up and out of the apt by like 6:30. Which on my mission wasn't even allowed, however they do get off at 4 and can watch TV. Fair trade.


More fav's. This would be a picture of the RUMBLE that went down out side my window at work. For any of you who think I'm kidding when i say it's crazy here, I will start documenting the crazyness. Full on rumble 5 police cars, and people going to jail. It's a day in the life and part of the reason why I like it.

My roommate came to go to lunch the other day and she was terrified. cop cars, CSi etc. WEll turns out a guy stabbed his wife out side of our building then had a high speed foot chase with tons of cops... DRAMa.

Sky's beaming face in her awesomely hot prom dress is one of my favorites of all time.

My best Friends. They make me so happy.

Randomly dancing in the street is a good thing too...


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