Tuesday, December 2, 2008


Excuse me for almost not being able to contain myself... Drum roll please...
I'm going to NOrth Carolina/ DC!!! Right in time to see the president take office and for Martin Luther King Jr. Day!!! Of course the trip isn't until Jan 15th but I'm so excited!!! I think the excitement just may get me through he Christmas season.

I'm going to see one of my Bfffff's (lol), from back in the "before Alaska" days. She was one of those people that instantly told me my butt looked big and then we switched pants to solve the problem. I have been wanting to get out of Utah for some time, and am so excited to finally get out and see my Virgy.

Also, doesn't hurt that I get to be in DC during one of the most exciting times in history. I'm pretty sure I'll also be able to witness the Million Man March... (awesomeness).

Other than that, Just trekking along... My family was all here for thanksgiving and weeks before. Fun. I started Acutane, and will be moving in with roommates asap. (I get the joy of interviewing people to take my spot in my current apt this week). I'm trying to figure out whether to stay in my Current ward, or go to another... decisions.

Work Is crazier than ever. Like seriously crazy. I have a massage planed for every weekend (thank you to amazing benefits), and will be working extra hard at the GyM. (again thank you to awesome benefits). I think everyone could use a little help shaking off the stress of the seasons.

My parents left on Monday morning and I already Miss my mom.

OK so... I'm needing to go somewhere for Christmas. I was thinking of Vegas, or San Diego... some where to get away... Any ideas? I'd love to hear what everyone thinks would be a nice, reasonable get way for the break. I have 4 days vacation time I can use...

Love you all!!


Anna B said...

Your moving??? Really??? How fun for you to get to go to D.C. You should join my fitness challenge. Call me and I will tell you more about it.

Holly said...

woo hoo!!!!

Unknown said...

I want to go to DC with you!

ManicMandee said...

ok so I am finally adding you to my link list! Hope that's cool with you.