Tuesday, April 6, 2010

More pictures...

So the twins and I had special time with out MAL. FINALLY. LOl but for real, after a day of family togetherness, I was missing my boys. So we went to a movie (Titans: which I loved and they did not) then we decided 12 am, it's so early why on earth go home? So we drove around a bit, and after a scare of an almost road trip to Eden (thank heavens that didn't happen, fork in eye), we decided it was Mal's Un birthday.
So we found decor... at wal mart (who else is open in Utah conference weekend at 12:30 am) and we found this really funny wedding cake topper... Me and "the boys" chewing our Gum...
Our feet-sies. My shoes are amazingly cute. like to die for cute.
and again the twins.
Oh Jack and the topper... looks all too familiar...

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