Saturday, July 25, 2009

Nail girl!

So... I'm a nail girl now... With animal Print. With the diet going on and still feeling lonely and not as happy in Ogden I decided to treat my self. Randomly one day my roommate and I went and did it. I am high Maintance and a nail girl (total waste of money but its a happy thing for me. )

Thursday, July 23, 2009

ahhh babies

Jerry's computer

OK so I decided that when I'm on peoples computer I could just down load the ones there... because honestly I don't even have a camera... Like nothingmore than my phone... THIS is my Sister Ceri and JErry and there Beautiful family. Myah, JOe, and GraCIe girl. Just fun pictures I found and thought hey those are fun.

Teri's Computer

So I'm on my sisters computer and thought to my self... I'll down load pictures that she has... Why not right?
This is my nephew Josh and his BFF Brooks. Brooks is the brother of one of my EFy girls that I tried to hook Josh up with 2 yrs ago... then turns out Brooks and his sister moved into the same neighbor hood as JOSh... HOLY COW. Small world (at the time she was living in Texas and I thought there was no way they would actually ever meet) BUT now they are forever connected by Brooks (and I'm so excited about it!!!)
Brooks is off to the Mish in Honduras. (which is sad, but Awesome!)

Everyone knows when you have teenage nieces and nephews you inherit like all of their Friends as your nieces and nephews too... I don't know this girls name with Randy, but it's her Friend... lol. This is Sky doing something weird at Joshy poo's graduation.

Josh is feeling like a grown up these days... Not looking half bad... (hottie). His mission papers will be done this week... Holy holy where does the time go. When you go to hold them after they are born you really don't think of this time... and how exciting and so incredibly sad it is...

This is my one proof I was actually at Josh's graduation. that would be the back of my head :)

This is Joshy Poo's graduation class... Go ahead try and count the minorities... Oh wait there are none...

MY sister Ceri Ann, Josh's grandma Jackson (who is like my grandma too she's so awesome) in the back ground is Josh's Aunt June and Grandpa Jackson. (Love them.)
Andrew is a 12 yr old boy... and this is usually the face you see on him. But he is a doll that we have alot of fun with. (Long live orange soda)

Josh now works at a donut shop (Free donuts!!! DANG I'M ON A DIET) and this is some random something they have at the shop...

SKY!!! at Josh's graduation. She is so beautiful. I wish I could pull her out of being a teenager and let her see who she really is... She is an amazingly awesome girl who literally has the world at her feet.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

BLAH, Blah

So life is busy, like crazy busy BUT totally boring at the same time. How is that possible?

I started The HCG diet on July 13Th and since then have lost a total of... 10 lbs!!! I am fitting into pants that I haven't worn in ALONG time. Weird. I look at the scale and think... not right, but then I get into my clothes and it appears to be.

I'm not going to lie. THIS DIET SUCKS!!! However, this is my first diet I've ever done, and I've never really reformed what I was eating and said "no" to things. It's a big mind game, HUGE and it's really hard when you can smell the aroma of yummyness you aren't eating. I am starting to realize how social eating is, and it's like people get offended that you are not eating their food. Lame. I will never force my food on someone or make them feel guilty.

However, I feel great! There is nothing like waking up in the morning and seeing weight be gone on the scale. There are rough days and things that I wasn't expecting to feel physically, But I feel so great.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Ode to Malorie!

This is ME and Malorie! MY Roommate who has been very kind and made Ogden home... She is so Nice! This is us out on the town. It was our lucky night. 2 guys t alked to us (never mind one mentioned he had just come from the strip club) Hey- it's a start right?

point is, she is awesome and amazing and I really lucked out.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Family Reunion...

Just a few Pictures. Our family reunion was at the end of June. Ya'll should check out my face book pictures if you'd like to see more... it was so fun.